
Welcome to my blog! Over the next 4 months I'll be posting about my life and studies in Italy and I hope you'll follow along.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

If you want to follow this blog...

So my mom said that a lot of people couldn't figure out how to follow my blog. This is just to give you some simple instructions on how to do this if you're interested. (Look away, all my college-aged or technologically proficient friends!)

So, on the right side of my blog (next to all the entries) there are two options for you. You can do both if you'd like. The top one is "subscribe by email." This means that every time I post a new blog entry, you get an email with a little bit of what I've said and a link to the entire blog post. Anyone can do this, you don't have to have a google or any special kind of online account. You just enter your email and click "subscribe." If there are any additional instructions, just follow those.

The second option is to become a follower of my blog. This doesn't include anything special like getting emails, but it shows me that I have people reading my blog!! For this, you click on the "Join this site" button underneath the "subscribe by email" gadget. In order to be a follower, you need a google, twitter, yahoo, aim, etc. account. If you click on it, google gives you the complete variety of account types you can use. (And for all my Rutgers friends who are still reading this, I am mad at you for this reason: you probably have a scarletmail account, which is run by google. Hmph!) So, if you don't have one of those accounts, you can create one. Google is most definitely free, but I'm not sure about all of them. And they're all relatively simple to make.

If you have any questions, you can post a comment on here and I'll try and address them.

Give the blogger some love, people! Please follow this blog.

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